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Career Guidance for Students
CEIAG is delivered through our PSHE and PDT programme for Years 7-11. The programme is delivered by school staff and co-ordinated by the Careers Lead and Pastoral Leaders with additional input from impartial external providers. Students in Years 7-11 engage with careers activities through the weekly personal development programme including a variety of activities such as Labour Market Information (LMI), Careers Action Plans (CAPs) and meaningful discussions as well as interacting with external providers. Curriculum areas promote careers related learning by relating subjects to employability skills and future pathways and career opportunities.
Linking Art & Design with careers
Linking Business with careersLinking Chemistry with careersLinking Computer Science with careersLinking Design Technology with careersLinking Drama with careers
Linking Economics with careers
Linking English with careersLinking Geography with careersLinking History with careersLinking Languages with careersLinking Maths with careersLinking Music with careersLinking Physical Education with careersLinking Physics with careersLinking Psychology with careersLinking Religious Studies with careersLinking Sociology with careers
All students in Years 7-11 have access to the START Platform. Start is a free, online careers platform designed to connect 11-16 year olds with their future career potential. It combines the most comprehensive source of information with a personalised experience and career planning tools, helping our students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options, as well as developing their employability. Students also receive impartial careers advice through careers guidance interviews through our external provider Mploy Solutions.
If you are an employer or education provider and wish to come into school, please contact Mr C Worstencroft. For further information on opportunities available and post 16 destinations please visit the post 16 – destinations and providers webpage.