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Emergency Contact & Safety
Safeguarding students whilst home working
Should parents or members of the public have any safeguarding or welfare concerns about a student of The Macclesfield Academy they should be reported via one of the routes shown below:
Emailing – safeguarding@macclesfieldacademy.org
Telephoning the school directly on – 01625 917 377
If a student or parent has any concerns regarding bullying they can send an email to the address below in the knowledge that it will be private and the ‘bully’ will never be told the source of the information
Emailing – stopbullying@macclesfieldacademy.org and tellus@macclesfieldacademy.org
Our SEND team email address askmyTA@macclesfieldacademy.org for any of our students who receive support for their Special Educational Needs (whether or not they have an EHCP).TAs will be monitoring the inbox every day, ready to support by email or by a phone call.
Safety advice for students and parents when home-working
When students are working from home they will undoubtedly be spending more time online completing work set by their teachers and using technology for gaming, socialising and communicate.
Below is a range of websites that can provide online safety resources featuring parents’ guides and a host of resources to support parents and teacher to help children stay safe online.
Where can I go to get support to help keep my child safe online?
There is a lot of support available to keep your child safe online. Below are some useful links to help parents and carers:
- Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
- Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Net-aware (support for parents and careers from the NSPCC)
Online safety advice for parents and students aged between 11 & 13:
Online safety advice for parents and students aged 14 and over:
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection