Applying for a Place 2024-25

You must apply for school places to start Year 7 in September 2024 through Cheshire East Council. The deadline for submitting an application is 31st October 2023.

Cheshire East School Application webpage

Cheshire East school admissions team : email- phone – 0300 123 5012

If you live in a different English local authority area but want a place in Cheshire East, apply through your home local authority.

For in-year applications outside of year 7please click here for Cheshire East Council.The Governing Board approved the admissions policy for 2022-23 at its meeting in February 2021.

There are multiple ways to make your application:

1.You can make your application online at

2.You can complete a paper copy of the application provided by your Local Authority.

Information about all aspects of school life in the local area can be found here: