Ofsted Report Glows After Monitoring Inspection

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19th Jul 2023

We are delighted to bring to our community’s attention the glowing report by Ofsted as a result of their monitoring inspection this Spring.

Although the inspection did not have the scope to change the overall inspection grading, it shone a light on the fantastic work which has been taking place at our school in recent times. The team were delighted that the improvements have been recognised and as a school our hard work is driving the school forwards. Key quotes from the report include… 

“You are developing subject leaders’ expertise in curriculum design. You have given subject teams dedicated time to focus on curriculum development, and they have used this time well/” 

“You have prioritised reading. This includes strategies to support pupils to read fluently and often, such as ‘First Chapter Friday’, as well as a whole-school approach to developing pupils’ subject-specific vocabulary.” 

“You invite external support and scrutiny as part of your determination to continue to develop the quality of education that pupils receive. You are making effective use of external advisers to support you, particularly around improving the quality of the curriculum.” 

“Staff have raised their expectations of what pupils can achieve, and these expectations are reflected in the changes to the curriculum.”  

“Your high aspirations for pupils are evident through the increasing number of pupils who follow the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects.” 


"As a ‘restless school’ we are always wanting the next step and everything to be at the next level. Regardless of the successes highlighted in the monitoring report, we will be driving forwards as relentlessly as ever and look forward to welcoming Ofsted in over the coming 18 months for the graded inspection."

Mat Galvin, Headteacher